About Reiki

  • Reiki is a form of energy healing with origins dating back 2500 years to ancient Tibetan Buddhist teachings. Modern Reiki, or Usui Reiki, was “rediscovered” in Japan by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early twentieth century and was then brought to the West. Reiki uses high frequency, universal energy that flows from the palms of a certified and attuned practitioner. It is focused on the body’s energy field (aura), energy channels (meridians) and energy centers (chakras) to remove blockages and create energetic balance in and around the body. When the body is energetically balanced, its natural healing abilities are amplified. Reiki does not heal your body, Reiki heals your energy so your body can heal itself.

    Reiki is a safe, gentle, and non-invasive healing modality that is often used as complimentary treatment. It promotes relaxation, stress reduction, and symptom relief to improve overall health and well-being and can assist the body with healing on all levels: mind, body, and spirit. Reiki can be done in person or from a distance because the universal energy used in this healing practice transcends all space and time. Reiki is increasingly being used in clinical settings including hospitals and hospice facilities and being prescribed by physicians to supplement other treatments. 

  • If you are receiving a virtual, distance Reiki session you should find a quiet, comfortable place to relax for the session duration. It is advised that you not consume alcohol, marijuana, caffeine, or any other non-prescribed altering substance at least 3 hours before and 24 hours after your session because your body will be especially sensitive to the effects following your treatment.

    During the Reiki session, you should be relaxed and open to receiving the Reiki energy. You may experience the energy in the form of different sensations like heat, tingling, pulsing, pins and needles, etc., or you may not perceive the energy physically at all. Reiki does not need to be felt in order to mean that it is working. Any of your Clairs can be activated during a session, so it is not uncommon to experience “visions” or images in your mind’s eye. It is also common to fall asleep during your session or enter a dreamlike state.

    It is important to drink lots of water following your session. This will help the body release any stagnant energy that was moved around. It is also common to experience some form of emotional release following a Reiki session. Emotion and trauma can become trapped and stored in the body. A Reiki session may initiate the release of those feelings. For this reason, take it easy after your session, be aware of your feelings, and try to make space for anything that may arise.

  • Reiki does not take the place of medical care. Reiki practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. It is recommended that you see a licensed physician or other licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment you may have. Reiki is not a regulated field, and unfortunately there are bad actors impersonating Reiki practitioners. Reiki must be performed by someone who has received formal training and attunement. The best way to find a credible practitioner is to visit the International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP) website. 

  • IARP Member ID: 64278432

    Usui Reiki Ryoho Level 2 Certification, February 2022

    Usui Reiki Ryoho Level 1 Certification, October 2021

 Client feedback

Hi Katie, I wanted to thank you again for Tuesday. It was so kind of you to offer your time to me. I left feeling really light and open and had a good cry in the car to release. I slept so good Tuesday (8 1/2 hours) and yesterday I spent most of the day feeling very grounded and at peace. I know I’m just beginning this journey of grieving, and feelings will change from minute to minute, but you really helped me feel more stable. Thank you again.
— Annonymous
I’ve never had Reiki before and loved this as my first experience! Before we began, Katie was informative about the process and what to expect. Everything she shared with me at the end of the session resonated so much. I felt so calm and connected during our time together. This is a perfect session for someone who is curious about Reiki!
— Mia R.