What does my future career path look like?

To MG -

Today as I write this, we have a new moon in Libra and an annular Solar Eclipse. The energy is intense and is guiding us to release anything that is no longer aligned with our highest path. There are two ways to work with this energy, one is to resist it, and resist the inevitable change coming our way. The other is to embrace it, embrace the change, embrace the uncomfortability that comes along with change, and know that whatever is happening now that seems outside of your control is not random. There is a plan and a path, and sometimes we don’t get the full picture. We are asked to simply trust and keep going.

I decided to use my Moon Deck today for your opening message. With one quick shuffle, the first card of the deck eagerly flew out: Adapt “My instincts keep me adaptable in the face of any obstacle”.

Immediately, this connects to that Solar Eclipse energy. Unexpected changes may be happening in your career, you are being asked to stay connected to yourself and your intuition during this time so that you can stay adaptable, stay in flow, and ‘ride the wave’ so to speak. Again, this change may not make much logical sense to you right now but know that there will come a time when you look back on this period and you will have an understanding of the change that needed to happen.

From the guidebook, “When we are flexible and adaptable, life expands. When things unexpectedly shift course, we can either see into the realm of enchanted possibility, or we can become rigid with despair. Fox medicine connects you to your natural ability to adapt, be flexible, and use your senses to discern and understand what is in front of you. She is a beautiful and stealth animal with sharp senses and a keen instinct. She’s also a shapeshifter and can become invisible by blending in with her surroundings and swiftly moving through tricky situations. Tap into your inner fox and practice being aware and present in your environment. Whenever necessary, adapt and shape-shift with grace and an opportunity or solution will reveal itself that may have otherwise been hidden.”

To expand into this opening message, I chose the Dreamy Moons Tarot. I asked for three cards, The Emperor, Justice, and the Ace of Crystals were given.

This change may feel disempowering to you, like this is out of your control, you may feel like this is unfair, and that you are being slighted in some way. First, it is okay to feel like this. On the surface, this may be the case. Allow yourself the space to feel into this, process these emotions, and accept them. But you are being asked to find your power in this situation. The Ace of Crystals, or Ace of Swords, tells me there is a way of looking at this you may not have discovered yet. And once you can sit in your power within this situation, a moment of clarity will be available to you. However, this moment will not come if we remain in a disempowered state. Instead of feeling like something is happening to you, can you reframe it and say this is happening for me? What good can be gained from this change? Know that there is victory for you on the other side of this.

From the guidebook -

The Emperor: Authority, Responsibility, Father Figure. “Reinforce a sense of sovereignty within yourself and take charge of the parts of your life that require your attention. The Emperor tells you to be responsible for the empire that you have created. Where are you falling short?”

Justice: Fairness, Truth, Natural Laws. “Remember that everything happens for a reason. Lady Justice is a powerful woman with scales in one hand and a sword in the other, symbolizing equilibrium. This card calls you to speak your truth and be honest with yourself and those around you.”

Ace of Crystals (Ace of Swords): Breakthrough, Mental Clarity, Victory. “This card is a sign of triumph. It symbolizes thoughts and intellectual power. You’re discovering solutions to problems or answers to questions that have been on your mind for a while. This card is also a sign it is time to start a new venture or project. You are on the verge of a sudden realization, and the Universe is on your side.”

To conclude, you may be experiencing a time of unexpected change. At first glance, the situation may feel disempowering or unfair. However, you are being asked to remain adaptable, do not rest in despair. Embody the energy of the Fox to navigate this and remain in a place of empowerment, knowing what is happening is happening FOR you. There is a new, exciting journey on the other side of this for you, but don’t allow your mental space to become clouded with preoccupation for Justice. If you have been slighted, know that Lady Justice will take care of it. You are meant to focus on becoming the Emperor within, and to find clarity from this situation. There is good to be found here, do you see it yet?

I hope you find this message helpful. Know that it was channeled with love from your guides.
